пятница, 3 марта 2017 г.

Штат британской батареи легких бронеавтомобилей, 1917

 War Establishment British Armored Motor Battery Light Armored Cars, 3 April 1917

1 Captain (1 motor car)
2 Subalterns
3 Sergeants
2 Corporals
6 Privates
3 Batmen

Motorcyclists Section:
1 Corporal (1 motorcycle)
8 Privates (8 motorcycles)

13 Drivers ASC (for vehicles)
1 Sergeant Driver ASC (for spare vehicles)
5 Driver ASC (rank & file) (for spare vehicles)

Total Equipment:
4 Armored Cars
2 Motor Cars with box bodies for baggage & supplies
1 30-cwt Lorry for ammunition
9 motorcycles
1 Motor Car

Car №1
Commandant, 1 sergeant, 1 private & 1 driver
Car 2 & 3
1 officer, 1 corporal, 1 private & 1 driver
Car 4
1 Sergeant, 2 privates, 1 driver
30-cwt lorry
1 Sergeant, 2 drivers
Motorcars for supplies
1 private, 6 drivers, 1 batman
Motor car for commandant
2 batmen & 1 driver
1 Machine gun held in reserve with each battery.

War Establishments Part VIIA, France, 1917, London, His Majesty's Stationary Office, 3 April 1917.

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